The Falkland Islands are much closer to Argentina than the UK. Why doesn’t Argentina just take them?
Why can't gorillas equip assault rifles? Harambe didn't die for this shit.
Why can't I reconnect
Smells good? Yes, smells good.
Why is Mauser C96 split into two is this a bug
The Description under P08 Luger states it has higher muzzle velocity than P38 Luger, why isn't this reflected in the stats?
POV: spawncamping
Woo, Get F---ed
Peakschl locked in
The Capitano's sacrifice is yielding good results
Perfect for IT bros
Note from the downstairs neighbors
Is this any good? Mkb 35/III I'm gonna buy a br3 gold order for Germany with the free go that we got today but am not sure which one.
The real size of Africa
Imagine a hippo as your surgeon! Google AI is ridiculous.
Men scratching balls
Face on armored train
dafaq is this bullshit
Let's f*cking go i finally become a master seargent
Battlepass delayed again. A question if I get battlepass stars but not claim them before battlepass expires will It be transferred to new battlepass?
Which of these two is better? They seem very similar, except 1929 thompson has more fire rate than hyde 35.
His cousin's name is Joe