53M, finally I am here! A good way to celebrate my birthday
Remember the guy that put 1.2m into DJT. His options expire today
Has anyone used an app to help choose haircuts?
(29M)Which hairstyle suits me best?
Does the shaved look suit me?
Got a buzz cut, was it a mistake? (3rd pic is me before on a good day)
I started from $0, and now I'm here. It is a slow progress, but I am moving up!
How do you stay productive with so much going on?
Do you use paper or digital for note taking?
Do you ever notice yourself getting bad again?
What is the best thing money can buy?
How is everyone affording PG&E??
Renting vs. Buying A Home
19M, $20/hr starting in HVAC, $7k/10k for emergency fund. Need Advice For Investing and Other Opportunities
How to gain healthy weight asap with very very low budget? I got extremely thin (BMI 15)
Making money via remote?
LINDA E. CARDELLINI SENIOR YEAR IN 1993 at Mountain View's Catholic St. Francis High School in California
Wacha niseme hii alafu nitoke
Men out here are prettyyy
Crush on Friend of a Friend
If you got one wish what would it be?
What is the most unique experience you have ever had while getting a MASSAGE? Client or masseuse?
Partner [26M] got too drunk to follow through with my [27f] birthday plans [need advice]
How do I solve this issue?