Fun Hypothetical Question. What is Illegal but not a sinful or not a mortal sin.
I Need Some Help With My State Cuisine Alignment Chart. Any Ideas?
One more!
Your month = your Presidents. Comment the two you got!
we’re trolling there’s no way 💔💔
Well surprise surprise, Lee Harvey Oswald did
Expectations From Spider-Noir Series?
Homicide count
Is anyone else stoked about the JFK assassination files being released tommarow (I obviously won't read all 80,000 pages)
Which Batman character are you tired of seeing in adaptations?
What’s the best dorm to live in?
Good thing they added the cape and cowl
40m, Tee off on me. ⛳️ 🛥️ 👩 Spent my 40th birthday in jail.
21M Schizoaffective (Bipolar) and other funny mental problems
Historical Movie Alignment Chart
Why Do Doc Ock's Arms Have A.I. in Spider-Man 2 and Do They Need It?
So...How Exactly Does One Turn the Aether Into the Reality Stone?
You Have to Adapt Electro's Mask. Do You Prefer It To Be a Physical Costume Piece or Made of Energy?
Alr boys, who’s Garfeild’s best?(All tns made by me)
Trying this again but different
Batarang and display stand Tell Me 🔥 or 👎
I am going to get destroyed by everyone in this sub😭 but Spiderman>spiderman2
Evil man grabbing an octopus but it fights back!
Grabbing an octopus
I had the idea to make an actually working Degreaser, and I'm sourcing the parts