Fanfic Tropes that you LOVE
Chapter's not out but I already love them
Do Guilt-Ridden Vampires Still Work, or Has the Trope Been Done to Death?
Can wolves and coyotes form packs together?
Your buzzwords don't work on me
Vampire Lady Carmilla (Art by ダブロク)
What's your favourite incarnation of Carmilla?
Androw Farman by @lopata_four
What sorts of social reforms would Dany try and force on Westeros?
Knowing Deltarune's influences I'm currently leaning towards Dess being the Knight
Kyomami (oc)
Would Stannis support a trueborn daughter of Robert?
Which comic is the white people version of another media?
Fanfic Tropes You Absolutely Hate
(Spoilers Extended) How George gardened Stannis into a major role in ASOIAF's story
Which would be the best house on the throne?
The way that this is probably a 1:1 parallel to the end of the game
Noelle in shadow
Crackpot(?) Theory: Chara "possesses"/influences Frisk in all routes. Because we actually play as Chara, not Frisk
Imagine if it turns out Dess is blonde and the fandom has been collectively gaslighting itself for years
Revolutions in Westeros?
Why is Coldhands? (Spoilers Extended)
Hey can someone answer me why does undertale try giving the player guilt over reseting a pacifist run and doing a genocide run?
Most thematically fitting matchup?
Are we supposed to actually like the Starks?