(I'm bored) Let's Argue! Drop your hot takes, I'll do one of my own, I'll try to respond to each one.
Which band's best album isn't their most popular?
How do you think Smile would've been received if it was finished and released?
Blue albums
Your favourite song from a movie soundtrack?
Which "blue" album is better?
is this normal for bleach? never thought it came in a paper case.
Give me some good out of context panels
Wait I messed up foam should be on the left oh no don’t look oh golly
Critically Acclaimed albums released 15+ years after the artists “Magnum Opus”
Who has the best taste?
Albums that should’ve picked another song as the lead single
Guess my age, gender, etc. also rate the music taste
We did at third at least
Best bands A-Z voted results!
What's the last album or EP you listened to in full?
What's your favorite Weezer song?
Your favorite album of all time and the album that you consider to be the best album of all time , do they differ ? Why so ?
Smile Bootleg
I think I just found the greatest Weezer frame of all time
Urban Legends regarding Musicians.
saddest albums ever (imo)
my favourite albums as of now
Give me your favorite reaction memes
The first thing that comes to Mind to this thing?
What’s your favorite Compilation album of all time? Here’s mine