I redrew an Anime shot of Nami (G-8 arc)
What makes these movies so special?
This scene cracks me up every single time. 😅
W or L take?
“Luffy treats all the SHs equally” mfs when he kicked Bumsopp out in 10 seconds but spent 1 whole arc trying to beg Lameji to come back
Found this on Instagram and couldn't hold myself before sharing this big of a W
Who looks better with eye scar?
Who got the best aura
If Gunn's Superman is a hit...
Oh snyder cult. I can never stay mad at you
DeyCinema is right but people bully him because he’s a Snyder fan
At this point anyone who isn't get one shot by ohma is stronger than nitoku, this is how you know this character just get trashed
You guys got any meme like this but for slander Shanks and Luffy?
Zoro never fought Lucci seriously because he got no reason to
Empress of Grapplers
Why do Zoro and hí fans are so hated in the community?
Who would win in a Hand-To-Hand fight, Yujiro or Batman?
his fourth sword boutta break off bro
Post the hardest looking art of your favourite character.
Worst OP meme ever srs, Sanji fans can’t stop leeching from Zoro
OP fans on tiktok might be the second smartest part of our fandom
Challenge: Glaze your most favorite character and everyone will try to slander them