Quit my job
Never Mind the Ghost in the Hallway
Pizza is here! You gonna get the door or do I have to knock for eternity?
Ever had to deal with insects?
What kind of death would cause a swollen eye?
Something in the shadows
My aunts visitation and service is tomorrow. It's open casket. What advice do you have for someone who has never been comfortable with that concept
Wilson's Creek Battlefield Springfield Missouri Haunted Encounter
Grandma Encounters UFO and Men in Black
Do you have ghosts?
My Dead Great Grandma's Coffin in My Own Backyard!
Ever seen your handiwork years later?
Ever witnessed a moaning corpse?
Raspy Voiced Creature Annoyed With Cow On Road
Jimmy Carter's Body Special Treatment?
Impossible to Embalm?
A Corpse Running?
My dad predicted his own death hours before it happened suddenly (no known health condition).
A Haunting in Kansas
Claiming Remains in a Pauper's Grave
Please help us name our band
It’s car “keys” but a house “key”
If women "mark" their men with a lipstick stain, what do men "mark" their women with?
What is a completely rational sentence you could speak today, that if you said 20 years ago, people would think you were insane?
Taxi drivers, what's the deepest secrets you've overheard in your car?