"As if!" - 1995
Popped in to get a spare suit for an extended work trip. Walked out with this in my exact size for $12.99!
Trump flying monkey🐒 confused that 🥇pub owner🥇 refuses to serve to Nazis🐒
MAGA garbage confused by the fact that bar owner does NOT allow Nazis in their bar 🔥
Trump loves Kim Jong Un
Useless for you, maybe
1997. I thought an underwater camera was the coolest thing ever
Let the smiting commence
A Golden Mount Rushmore statue with Trump's head on it on display at Mar-A-Lago
finally caught my white whale for $2.00
Saturday Thrift
Boomer exposes my cards during a poker tournament, immediately gets disqualified, banned from rebuying, and throws a temper tantrum.
Funniest character in Caddyshack? Ted Knight gets my vote
Kellie's pastor is under indictment for CSA
Staff denied her boarding onto a flight cause she was intoxicated...and then she does this
Successfully defended my PhD yesterday. I don’t use social media other than Reddit, so I don’t really have a place to put this.
My mom - 1967
"Everything is transgender. Everybody transgender. That's all you hear about. No. That's why we won the election in record numbers."
1970s and 80s, yo!!
Definitely Mad Max
Trump says he's not allowed to drive cars. Here's President Biden doing just that.
Trump buys a Tesla. - ''Elon Musk has devoted his energy and his life to doing this and I think he has been treated very unfairly. You shouldn't be penalized for being a patriot”
She forgot to wear her KKK uniform.
Kellie has gone full peanut butter
Boomer doesn't quite get it
It's my birthday and I'm not too excited about it.
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