EMDR therapy
Why are estate agents obsessed with calling rather than email?
Kent church sees Scottish Power bill quadruple over new fridges
Mold. Lifestyle or structural?
Can you trust ADHD assesment clinics that offer fully remote assesments?
who makes your bs radar go off?
Do you ever realize that maybe you shouldn’t be friends with some people because you overwhelm them and you overflow their cups?
Paying off credit card before completion
Half of adults with autism 'afraid to leave house' - I found this BBC video from 10 years ago, do you think things have improved for us since then?
Autistic Parents - Advice Please
I have just learned my Husband falsified our mortgage a decade ago, what next?
I wish there was a more apt term for Autistic Burnout - to give acknowledgment of it’s actual debilitating severity.
Autistics will immediately recognize narcissists and avoid them?
Being a JW f%cked up my sex life!
Expecting first baby - Nervous about finances with partner
INFJs when was your now I won't people please anyone moment.
Do you ever just start arguing with someone in your head and get yourself so riled up that you want to punch a wall?
Anyone who lives alone, have you ever rented out a spare bedroom? Was the extra income worth the change to your home life?
when will food stop going up in price every 2 months
Is it considered acceptable to invite yourself to someone’s house?
Never billed for electricity
Mothering Adults
Amongst the very early stress (with much more to come) I had a small win last week!