H: 1 million fuel W: offers
[PS4] H: Legacy Quantum Paddle ball (ultra rare) W: TFJ + LC or of similar value
[PS4] H: Nuka Cherry Paddle Ball!! W: Apparel/Glow offers. :)
H: used Tfj W: apparel offers
[ps4] H: vintage Tfj W: apparel offers
[PS4] H: Glowing Bigfoot, Jackalope, Alien, pig and Minotaur W: TLC/LC/Red Asylum/TFJ/FCJS/RF set offers (no masks please unless Jackalope)
(PS4) duct tape jacket W: apparel, fas masks, potentially misc please
[Ps4] H: ultra rare Legacy Quantum Paddle Ball W: TFJ + LC
[PS4] H:TFJ, Lc, Fcjs, G Uni, G Alien W:Offers including red asylum
[PS4]H: Glow Abe + Glow Veggie + 500 Leaders W: Glow Jackalope
H: 25 Leaders W: The absolute worst legendary roll weapon possible
[ps4] H: legacy pic W: offers
H: glowing turkey W: Bos + wpjs
H: glowing Abe W:non fas apparel
[PS4] H: glowing Abe W:apparel non fas
H:glowing abe ,glowing bigfoot W:1k leaders,1,2 leaders
[ps4] H forest camo scout mask and deathclaw W fasnacht mask
H: glowing abe W:lead offers
H: Glow Big foot W: Fcjs + 200 leaders
H: Glowing robot Glowing Minotaur Glowing Pig 2x Winterman masks + 200 of each stable flux W: TLC
H: RF helmet W: Glowing turkey + small add
H: 5 reflective W: new gatling plasma plans
H: Leaders W: GP Plans In Description
H: Warning W: no trading with PSN HotB_tteredToast
H: Glowing BigFoot Mask! W: Glowing Veggie or Gabe + GBD