I shot my neighbors dog with a JBL 38 spearfishing gun
AITA for going to a strip club when my pregnant girlfriend did not want me to go?
Never forget how the left looted and destroyed everything in the name of peaceful protest, good riddance no DEI racist programming from now on, this is the new America.
What happened to this sub?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Jak this vnbothered aryan
Bye bye voting
AITA for saying I still hate when anyone calls my stepdad my new dad or my second dad?
AITAH for being upset that my brother took credit for my photo just because I used his phone?
AITAH for making a "sexist" and "transphobic" comment at a party?
AITAH for refusing to help my neighbour
AITAH for showing my Bf affection at work?
AITAH for flapping my arms like my autistic little sister despite not being autistic myself
AITAH for wanting to go to a prestigious college?
Aitah for calling some girl a bitch after she called me sensitive for grieving my grandmothers death for “too long”
AITA for not letting my soon to be 15 year old son have sleepovers with his 13 year old girlfriend?
My columbine shooter wojaks
'Jak him
Wake up babe, new incomprehensible Wojak video just dropped.