Parents who are paying full price these days at top colleges, what do you think of the current sticker price cost in the United States?
Has there even been a case of someone getting rejected REA by a HYPSM school and then getting into some other HYPSM RD?
Which med schools give their students the best work/life balance?
I am the first person on A2c to get into UCSF Undergrad
Do professors read research abstracts or just AO?
What are your thoughts on Uchicago’s famous SAT optional policy?
Has anyone ever met a student whose family was legacy to an Ivy Plus school for more than three generations?
Make friends
Is the rumor true that admissions officers only spend 90 seconds on average reading your essays?
Which top colleges used to be tuition free until the last 50 years or so?
Alum, how serious was the rivalry with USC back in your day?
Yale letter of rec request
Boston College you’re dead to me
How do people justify dropping close to 400k on an education?
Is the rumor true that nearly all Medicare advantage plans deny as many claims as possible?
How did financial aide work at Ivy League schools and other top universities prior to 1900?
Is it possible to get into ivies without using a personal or sob story on your essays?
Are there any unique or archaic state laws in some states that allow people who would normally not allowed to be able to practice some forms of medicine to practice some version?
Any alumni here attend Wharton with Trump?
Got into Harvard but
What does everyone think of the current test optional policy?
Full Ride + Stipend for HKS, UMICH, and Berkeley
CMU Heinz MSPPM vs UChicago Harris MPP vs Duke Sanford MPP
Are there an MPP programs that offer full rides plus a living stipend?