This guy got 70k in only one year !
I am sitting on a trone of gold
This was 1 game from L3 solo queue
What tier ru guys on the Pro pass?
Ranked flair megathread 2.0
whats wrong here
Wallbreaking guide
How would you feel about Treasure Hunt being a ranked game mode?
How am I 50 off??! I don't get it 2000 points and 200 from each rank
Is it really my fault when someone picked Edgar in Mythic II
Hello my account got hacked and no one basically cares from support
Finally after getting stuck at mythic 3 cause of randoms for days
Where can I find teams for ranked?
5 best gadgets post gadget rework of s36 from personal experience
Can we take a moment to talk about how stupid some of these hypercharge rates are?
Some Brawlers are very underestimated until they get a Hypercharge
Why do people activate their hypercharges but does absolutely nothing with it? BS Championships
Hank's Bubble Spawn Position
Competitive it's still not competitive
My thoughts on this ranked season after hitting masters:
How hard is Masters now?
Upgrade guide to have a maxed account
Brawl Hockey is more strategic than most seem to think
How do I find a friend that got somehow unfriended?
Free Bibi for all!!!