I was liking Arinsu's design as is, but when they showed her hookah-broom it went right up to 11 (OC)
A bit of studying
Ox Princess Chi-Chi (OC)
Describe Goku poorly
Describe Doraemon poorly
freaky universe 2
Goku would've loved r/ningen
U6 saiyans C:
This account is taking all of your genius submissions and getting paid for them on Twitter
I'm kinda late to the party, but I couldn't stop thinking of Luce as a pilot (by me)
Then I have no life Shurororo
Whoever likes dragonball is my friend without introduction
DBZ eyecatch redraw (OC)
Vegeta every time the opponent is too strong for him and Goku
Time goes fast....
The post above is what Vegetable is talking about rn
I was today years old when I realized Goku is wearing a jacket that says 17 on the first volume of DBZ because in Japan this was the 17th volume of Dragon Ball and Z being a seperate series wasn't a thing over there
You must choose
Guys, is this g*y?
If you think about it, Chiaotzu is basically a male version of that “she looks 8 but is actually a 50 year old vampire!!1!!” trope
I remember to not like Mecha Frieza's design at first and wow it grew on me a lot (OC)
Looking back on the Saiyan Saga. Was Goku sacrificing himself the right decision?
Do you ever get tired of spreading propganda?
How is this mf not banned from this stadium?
The Duality of Man