Does anyone know anything about these characters?
D tier villains I’ve made over the years
What’s your name
Why do you hate this event?
Does anyone else still love this wave as much as I do?
Unpopular Opinion: I love the LEGO Marvel Mechs
Why Marvel/Disney don't just take the Spider-Man rights from SONY?
How much $ would my collection go for?
What’s his aslum name?
What’s that one marvel mini figure missing from your collection?
What will you choose?
I told my family that aslume is a lifestyle and everyone laughed. What do I do?
Why is Man naked? Is he horny?
Do It now
Would you rather jonkle or swipe?
Who agrees with me this level has intense music
Say something nice about this version of Venom
Just fucking fucked this fuck, what should I fuck fuck?
Which thumbnail looks the best? 1-5
What 3 superpowers would you have.
Three images today
What did
Thoughts on this sinister six lineup?
I’m fully straight but is it weird that imagining having Jordan Lee’s powers kinda turns me on?
What is the greatest crash out in Marvel Comics history?