Is there such a thing as an "insight memory" in BB? Similar to Soul Memory in Dark Souls 2?
What do you think is the point if no return when it comes to sleeping or not sleeping at night?
Siento que estoy a medio paso de convertirme en un ludópata irremediable y que lo único que me frena a serlo es que no suelo tener mucha plata conmigo y no estoy dispuesto a conseguirla de maneras incorrectas...todavía.
¿ Qué cosas que le gustan a la MAYORÍA de la gente a vos no?
Apodos para hombres "dotados"?
¿Cuál es el plato barato que mas les gusta cocinar?
Cuánto deberia durar una primera cita?
I want to get rid of the light and vibration of my dualshock 4 completely.
pretty/beautiful songs/artists similar to parannoul
Dicen que tu pitó te lleva a lugares donde no irías ni con una arma, que ejemplo de esto tenes en tu vida... Y como termino?
SH2 Crashing on Launch
Daily Roundtable: Community Q&A
An app that tells you when the other person answers the phone on speaker?
Still functioning app for downloading audio from youtube?
List of most commonly recommended Tilesets around the sub. Please link any more you think look good in the comments!
Weekly Questions Thread & PokéROM Codex
Need heelp creating a map and routes for a tabletop pokerpg
Im creating a region but for a pokemon tabletop game, I need help creating the map.
Daily Questions Megathread (August 18, 2024)
[No Spoilers] First timer here. Im clueless and overwhelmed.
God gives the people who dont like Firefly and wont pull for her this kind of pieces...
Daughter Of Darkness Final Fight is just ridiculous....