Flags in Ae
New demoreel! feedback would be appreciated :)
There's a secret tab in Mocha you're not using and you're missing out BIG TIME.
Recent work (all After Effects, no third party plugins used)
Kinetic type experiments
A weeks worth of work and a lot of new things learned in AE. Really proud of this!
Kinetic type experiments in Ae
Whoever can teach me how to make motion graphics that look and feel like these, up to a similar level of quality, gets $40
Looking for a partner for a project
Fake 3D extrusion with minimax + layer styles
Opening title sequence for a fictional show - All Quiet on the western front
Animated Diorama
little bts
Best way to network on LinkedIn?
Duck rig
My first ever attempt at an attack sequence lol
A Christmas gift I made!
Liquid Generation - 100% After Fx, no Plugins
Tut soon
Cel style liquid
Cel style smoke, native Ae - Wave warp, tapered stroke with wave
Video game preview animated all in Ae
Time-lapse drawing on paper > Ps > Ae
Shading some simple animations with layer styles and native FX