please do not message me if you are romantically or sexually interested in me
I need a man with this kind of energy tbh!
I’m trans. Would it be ok for me to join a women’s infertility group to help with my feelings due to my infertility?
any good cheap indian places on hk island?
what do i wear to a job interview as someone who isnt comfortable dressing “feminine”
what is agp
anyone else the “gay boy” of the family before understanding that you were a woman?
Would you date a trans guy?
what was it like growing up pre instagram and all these algorithims?
where to find online women’s spaces withount gooners?
Did anyone else play "male" sports growing up?
I feel so dumb for blushing
Why are mainstream trans woman spaces so bad
oh! oh my
Why do people have unprotected sex and act so shocked if they get pregnant?
Is it rude to tell guys I don't want to talk when I'm at the gym?
Anybody really early onset gender dysphoria? What age did you start feeling?
do I suit cool tone or warm tone makeup better ? (Pic 1= cool, 2=warm)
I have 80 chasers in my inbox, and I have never posted anything even remotely suggestive.
ways to deal with tangled long hair in the morning?
Who else here transitioned pre everything and wasn't a young transitioner?
My social anxiety is very severe, and I can't fix it
did living as a guy help you in dating them?
anyone else notice an influx of creepy guy posts on here recently?
Anyone else here that is 25 or over just stop giving a fuck about petty shit?