H: max caps W: t51b crafting plans
H: Motorized butter churns, high cap bp, sacred mothman tomes, vintage water coolers W: 5k caps per
Guys is it good for 100k
Such a cool event,hoping there will be more like it
H: Meat Week Plans W: Caps / Junk / Ammo / Other Stuff
H: Plans W: Offers, I will bundle
This is how you increase your chances to get what you want from RNG
H:pic W: offers I'm a heavy build before you offer weapons
H: weapons plans and basic fasnacht maskS W: offers
H: weapons W: caps and or other offers
H: caps and assorted plans W: ghillie suit and hood or pepper shaker plans
H: 35k Caps W: Low tier fasnacht mask
H:30k caps W: Weenie Wagon
W: pepper shaker plans H: caps perfectly preserved pie and what's shown
W pepper shaker plans H caps and perfectly preserved pie as well as what's shown
Someone just bought everything at my vendor
H: what's shown w: violet and cobalt flux and other offers
Record your IGN here
AITA for buying stuff my sister is allergic to?