How Bad are the Batches below 4.7?
Not Heavy Pay??
I keep getting these letters on my car, they are correct it is a paid parking spot, however I PAY FOR IT.
Looking for friends! 👀
For shoppers in areas with plastic bag ban
Neighbor lets his dog relieve itself almost exclusively next to my car and laughed in my face when I told him to stop.
It's my birthday and my parents are angry with me because they can't plan ahead
Cast members who work screens for the ride, why would you allow this?
We lost something during our flight
Would You Recommend?
The "pale blue" dress my sister bought for my wedding
Women on Bumble, are you ok with being asked to wear a dress for first meet coffee chat?
WIBTA to ask my dog walker to contribute to emergency vet bills?
Cheaper eggs
AITA for asking my roommate to stop bringing people over
AITA for not helping my friend after a 12-hour shift?
AITA because my girlfriend got mad over a thing that is stupid to me
Please Help Me Decide
This was after speaking for a few minutes, is it strange that someone isn’t willing to share their name or is it normal?
AITA for calling out a woman in public for cutting a line.
Write a six-word story about your neighborhood
Mum anticipates what kids say before they say it
My toddlers blocks have numbers, patterns, shapes and animals on each.... except this one has some kind of monstrosity I can't label for her.
Neighbor causing rodent problem