Met a cute girl at a social event but didn't get her number. Should I add her on Instagram?
Does ghosting happen with people you meet IRL too, or is it mainly an online dating phenomenon?
Is it possible to be unattainably handsome as a man?
What years were you most successful
Is 1 week in Fukuoka too long?
I think ios 19 is doing to be new One UI 7 (but with timely updates)
The new looks so good ios19
Which country would you go for finding wifey material girls ?
"If they wanted to reach out they would." - Is this still true if you blocked them?
Is there any point in deleting and remaking a Hinge account?
Alright boys, gvie me the best prequel-related pickup line I can use
What's the longest you've waited before approaching a girl you see regularly in person?
When did online dating become so difficult?
Do men ask unattractive women for numbers and say they beautiful?
"If they're still single in their mid-30s there's a reason" - why is it OK for women to say this about men, but not the other way round?
Men and women, while searching for a serious partner, do you avoid hook ups completely?
If men don't want to date women over 30 because they're jaded, bitter and have trouble pair bonding, wouldn't the same thing apply to men over 30?
Why do people say protein is more satiating than carbs?
Does anyone else feel old and sad when they hang out with people who are just a few years younger?
That's what we all wanted.
Are there any couples here who broke up in their 20s and then got back together in their 30s?
For those who've had a one night stand while on vacation, did you ever hook up with that person again?
Has anyone here gone through a breakup in your 20s and then got back together with the same person in your 30s?
Has anyone here broken up with someone in their 20s and then got back together with the same person in their 30s?