I miss their friendship and Chuck’s 2000s pixie cut
My little haul today
My $11 candle haul is here 🥰
My body dysmorphia is driving me to madness
Do you ever feel as if you don’t meet your significant other’s beauty standards from their culture?
I don’t know why I can’t love my body
For me it’s 1000% left side
I don’t know how I can love my body
I love my Blair 😂💜
Is it bad if I don’t wait for my coworker to walk into work?
My cat was helping me unbox my soap haul 🫧
What would the other Disney princesses scents smell like?
Do you ever consider moving to where your significant other is?
My little Ulta haul mostly about face eye paints from their sale 🥰
My little haul mostly about face eye paints from the sale 🥰
The first row of soaps are my mom’s and everything else is mine 🥰
Has anyone here ever get their Reddit account found or a post you made about them?
i hate kendall
AITAH if I don’t walk into work with my coworker?
Which candles are in everyone’s carts?
Should I buy a 3 wick of coconut pina colada if I already have the single wick version?
Should I buy these candles or are they worth skipping?