I'm cracking up listening to the "Book of Henry" episode...
r/HivemindTV Weekly Bars Megathread
I agree Joe
What's the best third installment in a franchise that uses 3D in the title?
Yeezy headquarters
How close are we to this feature at this point?
ATTN Blankies: if I said “Best movie covered on Blank Check: what comes to mind first?
22M, never been roasted before. Do your worst, please and thank you.
44/M never married and no kids(as far as I know). Do your worst. LOL
Marvel Studios’ Thunderbolts* | Big Game Trailer
hivemind fans' 128 favourite songs bracket day 03. top 8 most upvoted songs will enter
Jurassic World Rebirth | Official Trailer
Who the fuck I feel like
David Lynch is dead, but there is already an heir.
We can't just pretend like this didn't happen, lol. I always get hyped when I hear it.
How many movies did you watch in 2024?
Can't spell braincell without incel
Imagine Lynch Saying This…
Which one are you?
What is the shot of the decade?
Happy Twin Peaks The Return Part 8 week to all who celebrate - what was your reaction when you saw the ep?
Twin Pods: Fire Cast with Me: Twin Peaks: The Return (Episodes 1-7)
What's y'alls favourite Tyler the creator album but be honest don't just say a unpopular album cause you don't wanna look like a fake fan
No idea what this means but congrats to him
Twin Pods: Fire Cast with Me: Inland Empire with David Rees