Didn’t this fruity ass bitch say he was making a clone of yujiro and hanayama?
Baki Rahen Chapter 41 raws
Baki Rahen Chapter 40 raws
Baki Rahen chapter 39 raws
Baki Rahen Raws Are Coming Out Today!
Baki Rahen Chapter 38 raws
Baki Rahen Chapter 37 raws
Conner Benn- Chris Eubank under card confirmed: Anthony Yarde-Lyndon Arthur, Liam Smith-Aaron McKenna, Chris Billam Smith-Brandon Glanton and Viddal Riley-Cheavon Clarke
Kazushi Sakuraba
Well that was quick
Has the Gaiden, Hana no Chiharu ended? Or is it simply on hiatus?
[SPOILER] Abdul Razak Alhassan vs. César Almeida
Is this true? That kaioh han was envisioned to be a hanma but the idea got scrapped?
Baki Gaiden: Hana no Chiharu - Chapter 17
Baki Gaiden: Hana no Chiharu - Chapter 16
Why does no one talk how Katsumi is a stand user?
Baki Gaiden: Hana no Chiharu - Chapter 15
So it is Itagaki who writes these, Hayashi just draws these
Doppo Vs Ryuukongou
A few early raws from Baki Rahen chapter 25
Baki Gaiden: Hana no Chiharu - Chapter 14
Still not 100% sure if itagaki illustrated the hanayama side stories
Baki Gaiden: Hana no Chiharu - Chapter 13
Baki Gaiden: Chiharu's Flower - Chapter 12
For Garouden fans in here