A few weeks ago, I met Lexi Love on my 21st birthday :D
The Tuck Dynasty keeping it in the family
Lexi Love 🖤
A Love Letter to Lexi Love
Is Provost Academy worth it?
microbio first year schedule
What food opinion hill are you willing to die on?
What is an ultimately small, inconsequential judging decision that still bugs you?
Gen chem professors
Math 0220 Professor?
Pre med classes
Biochemists that have graduated and started working—what class from undergrad has been the most useful to you in your career?
Who is your significant other's favorite queen?
Secret Pittsburgh
Please help me find grad programs to look into 🙏
Guest judges you wanna see back and why?
Who’s a leading character from a musical that is unintentionally unlikeable
What’s the funniest random thing in Drag Race that still makes you laugh today?
Out of campus housing
Computer for Pitt?
Fort Pitt Subs is a disaster