Got my first candy machine customer
Bought a special mystery bag from my LCS
500th Box of Halves
Going to cash in my pocket change from the last 3 years. Any guess on how much I'll get?
Was this price fair?
Rate my setup
Need help finishing my deck list
H: Fas Mask Bundle W: Non Fas Apparel
H: J/25/25 Alien Disintegrator W: Offer
H: hag, buffoon, forest scout mask, demon, loon W: white powder jumpsuit
H: Armor pieces W: offers
Can someone help me get a gengar?
H: cobalt. yellow, violet flux W: AAE, BE 3* Heavies
H: GSB+GHB W: Q commando or apparel
[XB1] H: Pictures W: Offers
H: Rws W: Offers
h: a quad and aa fixer W: caps or leaders
H: Q2515r fixer W: WPJS
H: ghb, Winterman X2, raven X3, demon, fiend x2 , brahmin, hag W: junk(steel,lead,copper,plastic,acid,cloth)
H: q2525 fixer W: offers
H: pictured fixers and a railway W: offers
H: Off meta weapons W: Offers
Are these grolls
[xb1] have pics below want appeal offers
Scrip or nah?