Omg I love the wearable pump
How are you guys burping during a bottle feed??
Pumped milk tossed
Anyone here decide to stop BF and then a few weeks later decide it was a mistake?
Getting antsy 3 weeks pp
3 weeks old and I don't think I can do this
Colostrum is no joke
The Rookie Fandom: Did Y’all Forget This is a Cop Show?
My 3 week old baby is eating.. a lot
No swaddle, no sleep sack (2 months)
What do we need to know about postpartum?
My bf got surprised
A lime or a lemon? When baby measures a week ahead and you don’t understand things.
How do I get my significant other to understand we won’t have a baby shower?
What are your guys' picks for the worst moment(s) of the show?
My newborn is trying to break me
Do you have a attached pump and a wearable pump?
Do you swaddle
Postpartum is hard.
Explain breastfeeding a newborn to me like I’m 5. I’m overwhelmed.
How many diapers does your baby go through a week? Are all diaper brands created equal?
Pick a number from 1-200 for bogo code
My baby is 2 weeks and 4 days old and family members are concerned all she does is sleep
How did you give your baby their first feed?
I feel so sad for my baby