1v1. Who would win? (they're in primez Sam from Act5-3 and Sam Jetstream from his prime)
I understand Mark-1 being built in a cave with bunch of scraps somewhat but seriously how did he built this in a room with bunch of scraps
Ah yes, flamethrower meta, I am cooked(No)
Is there any modern shows that are animated like edgy late 90s early 2000s animes?
"Aquilons, DROPPING in!"
sickly posting
Nero voice actor
[Album] Super-large-light-heavy-pocket-battle-armoured cruisers. Ships no one can agree on
Just designer toys that I make.
what are yalls opinions on beast beast wars?
I think you'll need more coins...🔫💣🪙
SandMarine but in 3D (completed)
Which is your favorite?
I think I cooked something...
Who is he calling ?
SandMarine But in 2D
Skylanders Chompy
Guess the tank: difficulty - hard ( hints: the bigger soviet fridge )
Alex Ross’s depiction of The Hulk
Why does the Soviet BMP-3 have so many guns?
Trying to anti-HEAT protection. Tau missles forced to find a solution
guess this tank/spg season 2 #1, Hint: its british
Field ordnance battery teams finished