Tf did i do ????
I cant reach
My personal best match ever
Do it
Do people bother with ultralight packs? Tell me your experiences
This is why i love using Jump pads
How do you guys feel about the season and its battle pass so far?
What’s it worth?
Whats your opinion about blu glo?
how did louis sneak in a 1911 at school!? it's an american gun in a japanese setting! IN A SCHOOL NO LESS!
Most overpowered weapon in the game...
Best vehicle?
Nope, this game is perfect and doesn't have any bugs at all.
Far cry 6 not existing?
Is this llama worth buying?
New Gun revealed
How do I fix this
How are these MFs happier than me???
I don't recommend this Mr. Fantastic skill.
Anyone else seen an enclave like this before?
excuse me what
Best one so far!
what is the worst COD ever?
What is your not a fan of the godfather moment for the far cry series?
Cheater on console