best rond to use?
Is this a good beginner motorcycle?
Who is this(Wrong answer's only)
What saved you when you had absolutely nothing left — no money, no support, no hope?
Does this sound like a healthy motor?
Vengeance and Regret
Thoughts on bike?
I’ve worked at Swarovski for 2 months today, AMA
Who has the most punchable face in the franchise?
Kinda a GoW fan
Is this a good deal?
Probably old mine but scary
Why haven’t I gotten any matches?
Oh Kratos
Who is this?( wrong answers only)
After 12 years, do you think Ascension deserves the hate it gets?:
Which would u pick for a first bike?
Damaging Heimdall as Atreus in Asgard, kinda.. (NG+)
Are you okay?
Which villain was to best to you?
GOW: Ghost of sparta screenshots
Name what the circle represents wrong answers only
Are my stats good