But seriously...
My job board has officially surpassed 10 million total jobs
First month on job search as a Product Designer
I made a list of 50K remote jobs
65k more remote jobs
Ghost Jobs Complete List
job-ish.com - a job search productivity tool I've been working on
Giving away torch skin
I made a site to find 100% globally work from anywhere jobs
Check out Otta.com
What website or app are you all using to apply to jobs!??
Don't give up!! How I landed a job in 1 month.
US sues Adobe for ‘deceiving’ subscriptions that are too hard to cancel / The Justice Department alleges that Adobe hid early cancellation fees and trapped consumers in pricey subscriptions
How a Simple NextJS Tool Transformed My Startup Dream into Reality
Food names end with um
I made an AI project manager...but accidentally turned it into a useless teenager
Thank you r/RemoteJobs - the job-ish job board is a success. Explore 40k+ remote jobs directly from company career pages.
Whoever the hell posted about Otta the other day…
Looking potential business partner
I built a free job board with Next.js, RadixUI, and TailwindCSS
How do you find the people with drive?
The job-ish job board is now completely free and doesn’t require signup
The job-ish job board is now completely free and doesn’t require signup - more than 30k+ remote job listings posted this month
Developer job boards in the UK
Why are job boards..