Do you know your dragons?
Can Ms. Bumbleflower be built as an aggro deck?
How to Win in Commander? Attack Your Opponents Until They Die
Power Level Wednesday!: Ask r/EDH what's your deck's power level? - March 05, 2025
Library Themed Cards
What mana combos taste the best?
Pet deck vs favorite deck vs signature deck
Manabase Dr. - Office Hours - March
How do i know what is really worth !?$$
Can't figure out a Jhoira of the Ghitu deck
Any platform to play edh?
Best/Favorite Commanders for Punishing Draw Other Than Nekusar?
Help Getting My Wife Into Magic
Bloomburrow Questions
White has angels, black has demons. What are the manifestations of the other colors of mana?
Need a clearer focus for my Veyran deck
I had to drop "a hundred years of solitude" because it made me sick
Just brew my second ever commander deck, looking for advice
Trying to fix my Jhoira deck
Picture book about clouds, imagination, and rabbits
Fullscreen zoomed in and off center!
AITA For letting my non-binary sibling move in with me without my BF's approval
Update: AITA for confirming my MIL's suspicion that I didn't want her in the kitchen while I cooked?
AITA for waking out of my daughter’s birthday party because the cake had her deadname on it?