Sold pins with my own fanart in a local con! (They managed to sell really well)
Rook Cosplay + more
What is your favourite and least favourite ship and why??
Weekly Questions Megathread (2/24 - 3/2)
Weekly Questions Megathread (1/20 - 12/26)
what is this text?
Bluetooth issues
roblox game
Weekly Questions Megathread (12/30 - 1/5)
Why do the characters look so different from their PNGs?
help pls :((
Can’t use gift messages or effects because meta AI keeps barging in
hi friends, how can I improve
hi :(
T Gel
Printing loose layers?
Rehydrating Small Pelt Pieces
Recently Diagnosed, question about period
I got my first speeding ticket, please help I’m so nervous
Is there a reason my Eevee can’t evolve?
surgery tomorrow....any advice welcome and share your experiences please!
Found Airpods Max
Found Used Airpods Max
Print not sticking to bed