I'm worried I came off as too much of a simp
Best thing about the vibeshift is homosexuality becoming transgressive again
Everyone I've met with a bible verse in their social media bio is a horrible person
Oh My God shut the fuck up about age gaps
Have any other ladies her tried cold-approaching men?
Life is not worth living for brown men
PSA: Do NOT ask your work crush out!!!
This has 12.7k upvotes
I miss vaporwave and 2010s internet rap
How many of you found your life partner past your early 20s?
Airplane food
Seems to be common for people on this sub to project their weird views as simply how "most men think"
when you turn 30 you become a millennial. when you turn 50 you become a boomer
Is it me or is there a disturbingly high amount of opposition to interracial relationships online now?
guide to cold approaching as a woman
Today my little sister really loved her birthday present
Anna let loser gamers radicalize her
I'm so ashamed to be a Canadian right now
get her on the pod
The Right has suddenly decided that the entire Epstein thing isn’t a big deal
Not even 24 hours in and the Trump admin is already backtracking on the tariffs lol
Learning about Ireland