One week left, which one y'all picking up?
Damn it took too much time but i have done it , a tier list based on overall experience (mainly gameplay) lore , area , runback etc..
what do yall think of my tier list
Favourite motionless in white song and album?
Need help finding this bonfire please
Dropped off the game and trying to pick up where I left off. Help on where to go next?
My bloodborne area tier list
Bro has LOST it😭
Wait.... Are you guys serious when you say Gwyn is mid?? It's literally peak final boss
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this picture?
You can tell exactly at which game TikTok got released
After 5 month of work😭
Blowing up the Lands between.
I hate Midir with every last drop of my being!!!
My FromSoft Boss Tier List from the games I have played so far (DS1, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring)
AIO for not quitting the gym because my boyfriend told me to
"Swamps are the worst" Snow levels in every souls game:
Need new music to listen to!
This boss had no business being so annoying
Aww your run backs are hard? I’m so sorry for you
Just beat this dude after 3 hours
Midir NG+7 SL1 in just under 3 minutes
Does ds2 ever stop feeling….like this? Do you ever get used to it?
What is your least favorite runback?
What other boss do I need to kill to get the, Man without equal achievement?