How Dungeon farming works
Prismatic Planning Tools - Episode Revenant Update
Warlocks of Destiny 2, in the next episode what do you want added?
Stasis Warlock Builds
How to Tank a Boss EFFECTIVELY While Not Being Passive!
So about the seasonal story...
Traveler willing, Bungie is testing Hoard Shuttle and Unraveling Orbs in the artifact to buff Strandlock up from irrelevance
Super DPS, not Total Super Damage is better for ranking supers. With numbers.
Threaded Spike exotics
Bungie, please tune down the Resonant projectile damage on Dread enemies
What is considered “Good” damage on the Grasp Ogre?
Solar Hunter honestly feels seriously outdated. It needs major updates.
Bastion & Liar's Handshake question
Tangle Cooldown
Act 3 timing
Good way to generate f-tonnes of tangles? (Hunter)
Hunter Supers are falling behind
new player looking for a warlock strand grapple add clear build (if it exists)
Abyone got a prismatic build with the warlock sword and exotic mark ?
Is well of radiance outclassed by other build-crafting options in the current sandbox?
How do these regeneration modifiers combine in the game? Isn't it overkill?
Is there some sort of bug increasing Golden Gun damage right now?
anyone still use pyrogales