Rommel or Bock
What should I upgrade on Bock
[KCD2] - this is just….weird
How much total resources do i need to max Bock's nameplate?
What was the most shocking/unexpected moment for you in Witcher 3?
Easiest nation to win the 1960 conquest?
Help Shazam can't find it
Please someone explain to me how to avoid getting sick when dieting
Тъжната реалност в нашата държава.
Наистина ли НБУ се минава лесно?
Заслужава ли си АУБ?
[KCD2] Has anyone pirated and played the game? How is it? does it crash a lot? or is it even playable?
[KCD2] Genius marketing tactic
[TOMT]Does anyone remember a guy on YouTube that was making bread only using ingredients that he made?
Will there be a sale for KCD2 soon?
How are y'all getting prepared for this masterpiece?
Tom and I just received our collectors editions of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2! Thank you my friends Warhorse Studios
Should I include my political background in my collage CV?
My DET scores
How accurate are the practice test scores?
What general next?
Someone help me understand!
Which naval gen should I focus on more?
Middle names in the US? Explain pls!