Buyback request submitted, what to expect?
Daily Thread - March 10, 2025
Model X Wing Door Collision With Head (Twice)
Tesla giving free supercharging for new MX orders
Car seats
Falcon door sensor obstruction after rain
Help with keypad - reset
share me few things you wish to know before getting MX
PSA for those upset at Interstellar 70mm ticket availability
I got the email 1 hour and 20 minutes ago. And I would be furious if I thought life was supposed to be fair.
INTERSTELLAR • 11am show added each day at Universal AMC
Noise Cancelling option
upgrading rear screen
Sony A95L 77
6 seater model X and car seats
Just bought an Ultra red LR for $72350!
Vent/Close Windows now available via the Ap
Can finally Vent/close windows from app
FWD proximity sensors randomly not working, service center unable to replicate
Model X Review
Will you buy the round steering wheel or keep your yolk?
Model X tax credit (US)?
Help! Falcon Wing Door is slamming into things
The best year and trim package for a used Model X, and which model versions to avoid.
Any good reason to upgrade from 21 MX LR to 22 MX LR?