Deb’s famous recipe
Famous recipe
The Eagles Fan Got Fired
65 year old woman murders her purse robber by running him over multiple times
We need a period of invulnerability after being rescued.
Reminder that Panoptes is the only named Vex as the main antagonist in a story with an objective. We never had another one ever again since.
How to destroy a decent frozen pizza...
Warframe Giveaway Celebrating us reaching 700k members!
Superblack Shader will be time-gated as well as you'll need to unlock all weapons for it.
But why?
SHE FINALLY SOLD IT!! Get it before reset!
What the actual fuck is this?
So this happened today
If Bungie brought a consumable that allows you to bring 1 legacy to the current power which one are you choosing?
What do y'all think of new S23 weapons from the special preview in this weeks TWID?
Why did fomo give me two fomo guns? Are they trying to murder me in my sleep?
Found these guys while hunting (quite successfully) for puffballs. Hadn't seen before, what are they?
Need help identifying a mushroom
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Found this cool looking dude in nh wondering what it is
To teach while drunk
Boletus Sensibilis or Pseudo- or ???
Concierge refuses to call fire department for people stranded in elevator for 90 minutes
To friendzone
How many lies did she just tell?