"David Dots"/Perforated Line Cards
Selling off some cards from my PC
Pulled this from my first ever tin.
Cracked open my psa 9 leafeon! This will be my first time submitting to TAG I’m hoping for a 9, is there any hope for a 10?
[US,US] [H] PC Slabs, Blisters and Sleeved Packs, Singles [W] PayPal G&S, Consolidation Trades
2006 Houndour pokedoll US
2007 Magby Pokedoll US
2007 Aipom Pokedoll US
Umbreon Pokedoll Legit
2001 NY Clefairy Pokedoll
2002 NY Corsola Pokedoll
2005 Phanpy Pokedoll
2007 Cleffa Pokedoll
2003 Spinda Pokedoll ver2
2004 JP Blaziken Pokedoll
2006 Jigglypuff Pokedoll
Hey everyone!!! With the new year, I’m gonna try to post more for the community. I’ll start off with an ISO post for my goals this year! :)
Favorite deck to play ATM?
Thinking about making a new rarity tier list soon! I’ll keep you updated
Is he real??
Heya!! Does anyone know what collection are these plushies from?
ISO (collection)
Crypto Lugia
Grail Plushie came today!