How long into your relationship did you move in with your SO?
When did you start using archer and UWorld? About to start my last semester of nursing school.
Pay off loans fast or pay off minimum each month?
If you had to choose 3 cast members to F*ck, Marry, Kill…
Single men in their late 20s: how’s your dating life? Do you feel any pressure to get married anytime soon?
Riverboat cruise or Ferry?
If you were given $300k, how would that change your life?
What is one material thing you’ve owned for a long time and can’t seem to part with?
Need advise!
Cheap (Local) Eats
Good luck to everyone on their finals these next couple of weeks! We got this! 🎉🤞
How many of you barely passed nursing school or struggled every single semester
What are your thoughts on Leva having her own show; Leva Land?
What is something worse than getting your period?
What's an "I told you so" moment or lesson that your Parent/ Guardian was absolutely right about?
What are your superstitious beliefs?
Good Luck on Finals!
What’s your comfort movie?
What’s your favorite pasta shape to eat?
Has anyone had experience with TMJ pain?
How do you celebrate your “small-wins?”
What do you miss most about being a kid?
Looking for a place to study that’s open late
Kikanbo kKarashibi Miso at Monthly Ramen512 pop-up
Nursing School Bundles?