Who needd them
Can we expect Porcelain Poppet to come back?
Any carries in the event? I have this
Is this a joke?
I'm stuck with 2 golds smh
Gold locked . Missing two damn cards and I refuse to make the purchases. Has anyone ever finished without buying packs ?
Is this winning?
Wattson is still A tier!!
Have vs need!! Let’s trade :)
Lf not impressed 5stars
2 5 star
Golden blitz sticker for any 5 star 1:1
Have and need
New Wattson bug
Trow 5star offers
Here's what I'm tradingg. Hav n need
Have n need trad
1:1 trades
Have n need
Sorry for the rant…
Hb needs to star put it in ..
Does anybody else think FOUR of these is just unbelievably unrealistic for us average players out there?
Houston, TX recommendations
Hit 100 stickers. How are you all doing?