Enver Pasha anime
Bumped into this little fella today. He kinda reminds me of a famous Austrian painter.
A sweet dessert loaf 🍞🍊
She fell asleep playing with my braid 🤣🥹
this one is a little bit 2eurasia4you
Japan’s Gay Empire
Isn’t it Koreans who brought civilisation to Japan?
I wonder if the current tourism money made back the cost🤔(4 billion)
throwback to 3 1/2 years ago when we first got Binky, he climbed a tree got stuck and i had to help him down
Virgin W*stoid Flag vs Chad Asian Flag 💪💪💪
Least racist nationalist Turk 🐺🐺🇹🇷🇹🇷
I need to visit Türkiye right now😳
Why don't they unite? Are they stupid?
Best Korea is banned from visiting US 🥺
Akhand Türkiyë when?
Balkaner attempt to fight political corruption
Serbian college students are walking 100+ miles in the largest anti-corruption protests the country has ever seen
Bro, what the fuck is happening in the Middle East😭
East Asians when working (They swear 40 hours per week wasn't enough)
The admirable perseverance of this salaryman... he never gives up despites all the obstacles the world throws at him
Cheetahs don't roar, they meow and purr like house cats.
Balkans if it was Western Europe from my westoid perspective
Turkey Represent🇹🇷🫦😗
Finns and Hungarians should have honorary flair - Part I
My Perception of Asian TV series
Least racist Japanese person