Wash Your Veggies… ???
AIO gf told me not to thank a cashier because I shouldn't talk unless necessary?
The constant brain rot being said in the classroom scares me for the future of my students
Teachers who have loved closed to your school, what was it like?
Gifted teacher texted me saying I should not have sent an email reporting one of her student’s behavior. Was I wrong?
Got offered 3 positions. Took one only to be bait-and-switched. (Elementary)
At some point these kids need to take ownership of their lives.
I don't need to learn this I already make more than my dad on only fans.
Illiterate in College
Would I regret leaving a high-paying engineering job to become a teacher?
I have officially reached "I don't get paid enough for this sh*t"
Education Department Offers Employees $25K To Quit Or Retire By Monday
How are other teachers just casually chugging coffee all day without getting the intense urge to use the bathroom in the middle of class period?
I Can’t Think For You 😑
Reading while students work?
My 5th graders constantly blurt out, swear, roast each other, make racist/sexually charged comments, and pretty much completely disregard my entire existence. What can I possibly do? I bombed my formal evaluation because of behaviors.
I thought I was a complete failure until…
My (🤢) Governor banned personal electronics on schools
It’s Just My Imagination…
Why do 40-50 percent of teachers quit within the first five years?
Sooo... Do people know what paragraphs are any more?
Are you all allowed to sit at your desk while students do independent work?
Update on the Onijah Robinson story I'm hoping Aba & Preach will cover, she's in Dubai
Would this email stress you out?? UPDATE
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