Recommendations for wavy hair
I'm gaining weight and I'm pooping everyday, is this normal?
I'm bulking and also pooping every day which I'm not used to, is this normal?
Can I eat 180g fried peanuts per day to bulk and for protein?
Can I just do compound workout so I can workout twice a week?
Can I do this once a week and still gain muscle?
Any dupes/cheaper version of ducati trace me perfume?
F19 Masculine lesbian looking for SD/SM
Cheap weight gain foods/shakes?
How to get SD/SM?
Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread
Wall pulley hook
Working out 5-6 days a week to once a week
Ano po pedeng business or gawin sa pera under 10k
What is the correct endearment for loved one?
July '23 selfies: post hairline photos here for opinions on 'Am I balding?' 'How bad is it?' and 'What should I do?'
Does this look like hair thinning?
I can't do knee push up, what should I do? Most of the time I do arm and back exercises at home, no equipment.
San po ipapasa yung requirements para po sa UniFast Free Higher Education program?
How to fix asymmetric arm at home?
How to get veiny arms?
How can I improve my singing and what do you think is my voice type?
Is my curl wavy or curly?
What is this shiny thing?