should i wait for a better deal?
How has chewing and spitting (CHSP) affected your health?
New coupon
Ancient sanitizer!
Thoughts? I feel called out 😫
How out of shape are you?
If you had to pick 1-3 most interesting things from each list, what would you pick?
How. The fuck. Are people so fit. Barely trying?
Enneagram 9 in charge
If you made a mood board you’re a 4
How do people feel about characters calling each other "bro" or "sis" to reinforce that they are siblings?
Do y'all make music playlists for your characters?
i need songs with names
Use suffering to make yourself stronger
Upcoming Everyday Luxuries Scent Notes
Best hour of the day.
I want to go to the gym tomorrow morning. I am very scared.
Rage first edition/first printing.
In your opinion, what princess(es) had the best singing voice?
i feel like i’m patronized and not respected
do you remove your arm hair?
What areas in your life would you want to improve?
If everyone in the world wore a T-shirt with the phrase they say the most, what would yours say?
What is your type and your ideal utopia or perfect world?
What type is most likely to resist connecting with things bigger than themselves to preserve their "purity"?