hi stalker
Girls, was what happened with me a start of domestic violence or I am overthinking?
What a beautiful man, what an inspired soul.
CMV: Arabs are a lost cause
In search of lost time, volume two, marcel proust
Read Mao's On Contradiction and thinking (posting) out loud, also book reccs?
Tarantino's acting in Pulp Fiction is not that bad
How many books (non fiction and fiction) have you read this year so far, and what you would rate/review them?
What are your prediction for the next 10 years
What's the best foreign language alternate title for a film you've ever seen?
CMV: Most Race based statistics are harmful and unnecessary
CMV: This is an uncomfortable truth and may get me banned, but soon it's time to abandon peaceful resistance
Countries where homosexuality is illegal bordering countries where same-sex marriage is legal?
Why is Pakistan so densely populated despite mountains and deserts making up large percent of country
Population of Africa if growth rates stay the same (This won’t happen but if it somehow does then there will be a lot of chaos in Africa)
Jan van Eyck
What do you think is the most well crafted piece of art
I love lying
Chaïm Soutine's still lifes of food
Why study Hegel?
Map of Africa if it was divided by tribes and races, and not countries that colonial powers recognised.
📈 Global Trade Dominance: U.S. vs. China (2000 & 2024)
I tried writing something about a dream I had
The crystal palace
I want to create something truly orginal but I cannot