F/30/5’9” [342>171=171lbs] 16 months | today, I’m officially half the person I used to be!
F/20/5’1 [95 > 120 = + 25lbs] (12 months) Anorexia recovery ❤️🩹
F/29/5’2” [195lbs > 135lbs = 60lbs] (3 years) Would like to lose another 15lbs
[Contest] Grateful in Recovery
M/48/6'0 [251lbs>199lbs=52lbs] (6 months) Finally
What are your comfort shows? Here’s all mine!
Eternity band question
Cherry tote for a girl's first Coach was delivered!
New Beauty for New Year
Final product
Thoughts on this Oval?
Wanted to share
I’m a fiancee!
What’s your AuDHD superpower or ‘parlor trick’ ?
Custom elongated cushion set from Kuololit has arrived!
Custom elongated cushion set has arrived!
Engagement ring fro diamondsrenu