Ghoul Welcome Sign Surprise
I wish the bobbles would actually glow
Legendary mod hoarders right now:
Season 19 is over , What level did u reach?
What can I get with 1 leader bobble head
The Best part of the upcoming Season and Ghoul Update
My OCD why leave so many?!?
Anyone want Electro swing on radio?
Noob Question: Why Do I Never See People Building Their Camp?
H: used Tfj W: apparel offers
Flowers for his girlfriend
So it begins...
What long term Fasnacht grinding can do to people
Can someone help me understand what this guy is yapping about I made a lfg wanting 40 leaders for a crazy guy a bro messaged me this
Burned Books Summerville
How to prevent item from ending up on the roof when building a camp
I am currently lvl 138 on the SCOREboard .. can I still make it?
Why do I want to play this game the way a heroin addict wants to shoot up?
Caravan Question - why the thumbs down?
New way to get 4* mods?
Ideas on how to make the most out of the new ghoul update without turning into a ghoul?
H: Photo of my find with hubby today W: To share the excitement haha!
What’s your highest score for the season?
This is criminal
H: Full set Gatling Plasma (6)Plans W:Leaders/Coffee/Salt/Reflective