4 string or 5 string. Why do you play them?
My first guitar - owned it for a few months now. Pretty happy with it!
Who (if anyone) inspired you to play guitar?
What’s your pick of choice?
What is the most comfortable bass you played?
Man, tbh all I ever wanted was a _____
Enjoy a day without ____________.
Why is my ____ so hard right now?
How the hell did Les claypool get that sound on a fretless?
Who's bass tone is super recognizable?
Gear Thread: Week of Feb. 10
Good alternatives to the Squier Bass VI?
What are some fun Primus songs on guitar?
What are some of the most unique/obscure bands and artists you listen to
Saved by the Bass VI
Grab yourself a can of pork soda, you'll be feeling just fine
Waste of money or do they actually taste okay?
Picked this one up at my local record store the other day.
[Steinberger Bass Question]
I reckon Primus sucks, which is why I bought Antipop, the most sucky album
Closest thing I could find to Apple Pie
i've been listening to primus for like 2 months in a row
How did you first hear Primus?
What type of pisser are you?
Favourite Fingertips movement?